Reasons Why Large Corporations Would want to join ICSBD

  • Find diverse companies to spend money with in order to satisfy diversity spend requirements.
  • Finding small Businesses/Entrepreneurs/Startup Partners that will help Large Corps, fulfill the requirement of the Subcontracting Plan when bidding on government contracts.
  • Meet with diverse business owners & representatives to evaluate, build relationship – decide whether or not to do or do business with them.
  • Host a “Vendor Fair” on-site at your location – small & diversified companies can set up tables/presentations to meet with your buyers and end-users.
  • Supplier Diversity Manager “Roundtable” – Peer Collaboration – Brainstorming – Helping each other with challenges of their Supplier Diversity Manager tasks. These Roundtable sessions are professionally facilitated.
  • Access to Business Growth Professionals to help your company with “Supplier Development” for your preferred Vendors.
  • Speakers, Programs, Education, Dinner Awards Gala.
  • Home/Local Community give back, reciprocal of business or services.
  • Give back via sponsorship philanthropy.
  • Help create the education certification program for small/diverse business to make them more efficient/effective in dealing with large corporations.
  • A great consortium of small businesses = great innovation of ideas.
  • Through our educational programs, we increase the competency of our Small/Diversified Companies (that are part of our Members), therefore our Membership Companies are just better to do business with.
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